Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Girly Appliques

The crown monogram below can be done for a boy by leaving the swirly design off. It would be super cute with blue gingham and green gingham with a block monogram.

This teapot has been a hit at my house this summer. I love using polka dots but this would equally as precious with a floral as the main body of the teapot and a gingham as the top.

This isn't an applique but it is girly! I just love the ribbon added to the sleeves.

I was told this one was not a carriage but a pumpkin! This is perfect for all those little princesses who love Cinderella or who just want to be a princess! The center of the bow is in a blue windowpane fabric to match the main body of the carriage, I mean pumpkin.

I can put this applique on a shirt but currently am not making dresses.


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